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Silviya's story

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Silviya's story Empty Silviya's story

Post  Silviya Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:16 am

I am russian citisen married to Uk citisen. We got married in august 2011. We applyed for marriage visa last year, thinking that we are applying for visa that will allow me to switch that visa for wife's visa after marriage. But when time came to apply for wife's visa, we found out that actually our visa was wrong and i have to go back to Russia to re-apply from there. it was genuine mistake and we thought its fixable. Our solisitor strongly adviced us to apply from inside Uk, which we did. And got refused. Then we appeal, and one day before the court Home Office withrow decission and again refused us. I came back to Russia to re-apply from here, but while i am here rules have changed and now it looks like its impossible for me to go to my husband. I am in such disaster. Forgive me my bad English. I cant stop crying day and night. Life become nightmare for me and my child. He is 6. He was suppose to go to school. We made aplpication at 6 july hoping that we will be counted under old rules, but UK embassy tald us that application is subbmited only after biometrics. We was very dissapointed and withdrowed our application. But later we found out that it was wrong answer. I found this info later, when it was too late to re-apply-"The changes to the UK Immigration Rules on family settlement will come into affect on 9 July 2012. If you have completed your application using our online application system you must submit your application and pay your fee by 00:01 on 9 July 2012 (UK time) to be considered under the current Rules. All applications submitted after this time will be processed under the new Rules."http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/newsarticles/2012/july/13-forms.
I feel like I am going to die. I know they don't take emotions into accont, but it's my and my families lives!!! I am so lost!!!!!I don't know what to do!!!!!! I want to be with my husband!!! He is working at prison, his salary is not that big as new rules asking it to be. But we live together for almost 1 yesr and never had problems. we have very modest life style and i am educated person, who can go and earn money too. We are family! Real family!!


Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-08-30

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Post  alandamper Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:28 am

Hi Silviya,

Thank you for posting your story. It doesn't surprise me the UKBA treated you in that way.

You said the Embassy told you wrongly about the biometrics - was it by phone?

Can you tell me a bit more about your first appeal? Did the UKBA withdraw their objection? I'm not sure why your appeal wasn't heard.

Stay with it. You are not alone and we aim to get these rules overturned as soon as possible. They are indefensible.

Shameful that your husband works in the public sector within the prison service and the Government thinks he is unable to support a family. It is his situation that will help us to put over our case. Nobody working as he is should be judged too poor to bring in a partner.



Posts : 38
Join date : 2012-08-26

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Silviya's story Empty Silviya's story

Post  Silviya Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:44 am

Alan, thank you for yur support.
Embassy tald my husband on the phone. And they was very rode. My first appeal was based on fact that on UKBA site information about visas is not clear, and we made genuine mistake thinking we are applyng for marriege visa, that will allow me to saty there, and to switch my visa to wife's visa after getting married. I prepared myself fot that visa. I went for English test, I left everything i hadhere, took whatever i had and went to Uk to saty forever. We explane everythng in appeal, we went to MP and hadsupporting letter from him. Our solisitor was saying he is 100% sure we will win the case. But they withdrow the decission 1 day before he court, and gave us refusal withour right t appeal..They tricked us badly. And they did it again now, by saying we dont go under old rules even if application was submoted and payed.. So ugly!!!!So dirty!!!So painfull!!!


Posts : 2
Join date : 2012-08-30

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