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A little light at the end of the tunnel...

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A little light at the end of the tunnel... Empty A little light at the end of the tunnel...

Post  alandamper Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:25 am

3rd September 2012

So the MPs are back at Westminster and a big problem looms for May and Green.

The removal of 'Highly Trusted Status' from London Metropolitan University has shown the UKBA to be devoid of any common sense. Even if the allegations are true what should have been done differently?

Firstly, nobody would mind if students here without a visa are told to go home. But failings, if there are any should be laid at the door of the university management. There is no reason to disrupt legitimate students from continuing the study that has cost their families a small fortune in fees.

If all students have to relocate that's 2,600 rooms let to students left empty. Does the UKBA care about those people? And do they care about the teachers or other staff who have nothing to do with the running of the place and yet may lose their jobs? No. They don't care. Green only cares about the 'rules' as if they are the ten commandments.

It demonstrates the mindset in the Home Office regarding immigration. The 'rules' are perfect and must be obeyed. Any human wreckage from their application is just too bad.

It looks like the university will bring a legal challenge against the UKBA. They claim there are no systemic problems and that the removal of their HTS is unjustified.

This case highlights the fact that May and Green do not care about the people in this, only about rules. It may help in getting over our message about the Family Migration changes. They must be removed.


Posts : 38
Join date : 2012-08-26

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A little light at the end of the tunnel... Empty Path of destruction...

Post  Khrissy3000 Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:15 pm

It is becoming increasingly obvious that the UKBA have far too much power and Theresa May and Damien Green try to justify their actions as a "benefit" to the public.
Their bubble may carry on inflating for the mean time and they will continue to deceive the public, but it won't be long until that bubble bursts and their "path of destruction" is revealed.
Theresa May, drowning in her own ego, aspires to be the next Maggie Thatcher, we all know what kind of woman she was, "heartless".

The negative impact of the LMU fiasco will be felt in our economy and non-EU countries.
So what are the positive, oh of course, I almost forgot, reducing net immigration at any cost.


Posts : 38
Join date : 2012-08-23


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