Help Bring My Husband Home!!!!
Help Bring My Husband Home!!!!
Hi! I came across these forums while looking for support for my family. While I really lack any understanding of your family immigrations rules being changed - I can identify with the heartache of family torn apart by a border. My husband had to leave the US after 15 years here to go see his ill mother (she passed a few days after his arrival). Though he came here illegally the first time, with age came wisdom, and 5 children later we knew that he could not come back that way this time. We have been seperated for 8 months already, and we face at least another year apart even after we can submit the proper applications,etc. I can barely handle the bills of the house and children much less scrape together all the fees associated with these applications. (Then there is the whole depression, loneliness, facing the kids and not being able to explain why dad STILL isn't back - we are quickly sinking).
If anyone doesn't mind sharing this link - I have been reduced to relying on the kindness of strangers to help me get my husband home. You never know -maybe it will be someone on the otherside of the world who is able to help us out. Can't say I didn't try! Thanks much - and God bless everyone who is experiencing a life away from their loved ones.
If anyone doesn't mind sharing this link - I have been reduced to relying on the kindness of strangers to help me get my husband home. You never know -maybe it will be someone on the otherside of the world who is able to help us out. Can't say I didn't try! Thanks much - and God bless everyone who is experiencing a life away from their loved ones.
frogrump- Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-08-31
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