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Reducing Immigration - The Truth

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Is Theresa May a racist

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Total Votes : 5

Reducing Immigration - The Truth Empty Reducing Immigration - The Truth

Post  Khrissy3000 Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:26 pm

Non-EU family visas account for around 3.33% of net immigration, this route is not worth touching, it has the least effect to reducing immigration and the largest effect for damaging society.
Student visas help create jobs in universities and in the long term create alot of highly skilled individuals who will benefit society, why the government wish to reduce student visas is beyond me, they should be proud that people from around the world wish to study in our universities.
Visit/tourist visas benefit our economy, it is proven that Chinese tourist spend three times the amount of any other tourists coming to Britain, yet Theresa May does not wish to simplify the visa application process, which is proven to be expensive and unattractive, many Chinese citizens are visiting other parts of Europe as a result. Jeremy Hunt's call to simplify the regime is understood to have been supported by George Osborne, the Chancellor, and Vince Cable, the Business Secretary, amid complaints from Chinese businesses.

Theresa May tells us we must either "exile" or face "family breakup", is that our punishment for falling in love with a non-EU citizen. I am almost certain that Theresa May is a racist, if you earn over the minimum income, you still have to face the "Life in the UK" test, as well as the 5yr probationary period before you can apply for indefinate leave to remain (ILR). How many hurdles must we jump over to have a normal family life?


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Join date : 2012-08-23


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Reducing Immigration - The Truth Empty Racist and a very cruel political gamer

Post  Daisy18 Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:59 pm

She is a racist and a very cruel political gamer, because all she is doing, she is targeting the innocent people, we are very easy target for her. These new family immigration rules will not reduce illegal immigration, it won’t be long till marriages between EEA and non EEA citizen for illegal purpose will flourish. EEA Citizens are allowed to bring their spouses in UK, so I am sure, it will be some percentage who will decide to benefit from this. People who find illegal way in UK before, will find this way easily now, the onlyone who will suffer it’s us, honest, hardworking people, who cares for the families.

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Join date : 2012-08-25

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Reducing Immigration - The Truth Empty Not sure

Post  alandamper Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:51 pm

I would not like to judge on whether she's a racist or not.

What I do know is that she graduated with a geography degree and hasn't the ability to take on the role of Minister of State in any department.

Theresa May and Damien Green simply want to survive. To remain in power and 'be' someone. They have been handed the task by the boss to ensure, by whatever means, that immigration figures are much lower in 2015 than at the last election.

Those 'means' are hampered by EU legislation that prevents the main inflow being halted. The 'means' therefore have to be heavy handed new FM rules. No MP will stick his/her hand up to ask for a debate because no party wants to be seen to be 'soft' on immigration. Although ultimately the rules will be thrown out by the court's appeal decisions the rules will have served their purpose by 2015.

Teresa May is also Minister for Equality and Women. These rules have a much more detrimental effect on women UK residents wishing to bring a partner to the UK than on men. Enough said.


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Join date : 2012-08-26

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Reducing Immigration - The Truth Empty May and her gang ..... what a joke

Post  TLCLM Fri Aug 31, 2012 1:15 am

Being Canadian I do not know what May is all about but I have recently read she started out being "Pro Family and Pro Women"

hmmmmmm doesn't look like it to me. Is she lying now or was her plan years ago to look like she cared about families and women just to get to the point she has with all this power to rip families apart?

Honest, hard working, loving families that only because they do not satisfy the Home Office and May income requirements are forced to either live apart being depressed and alone, break up the family or have the BRITISH CITIZEN leave their own country?? She nor Cameron nor Green are God they do not have the legal right or any right to keep honest, real families apart.

May is the Minister of Equality eh (yes I am Canadian)..... is that a cruel joke or what. Equality as long as you make enough money. Equality as long as you make a certain income and live in a certain type of house and have a certain type of job and come from a certain other country. Equality as long as you meet every single criteria set out by May. Isn't this the sort of mindset Hitler had?

I am sure May would say she was not racist but actions speak louder than words and what she has done and is doing says she is an elitist, racist, sexist, high-class snob that thinks she can dictate which families can or cannot be together. If a family can prove they are a real family there should be no other criteria in place... human rights say so

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Reducing Immigration - The Truth Empty Re: Reducing Immigration - The Truth

Post  peterj Sun Sep 16, 2012 10:37 pm

I show the text of an email to my MP which he will certainly not respond to. Of course he can not defend the indefensible or the fact that the sole aim of the regulations brought in by May since november 2110 is to try and improve the Tory re-election chances in 2015 . As has been stated , the rules are almost akin to what one would expect under Stalin or Hitler in the way they tear families apart and dictate to UK citizens who they can marry and live in the UK with . May must spend her life trying to think of new obstacles to bring in for political purposes !

dear Sir,
You continue to ignore my emails about
the way Theresa May's regulations target the wrong people but family immigration is an easy target .
PLEASE read the comments on the link hereunder to understand the truth about what is going on in our so called democracy and hopefully reach the conclusion that the rules are not fair, balanced and proportionate as you have started . Would you still say that if a member of your own family was denied future happiness or condemned to lonliness as a result of May's draconian measures ?? Of course you would see it differently and that says it all !
Please at least comment as your NONE reply just says that you can NOT defend May's evil rules .


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Join date : 2012-09-16

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