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Total Votes : 13

Welcome!!! Empty Welcome!!!

Post  Khrissy3000 Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:14 am

Hi everyone and welcome to my campaign against the new immigration rules that have been introduced by Theresa May, Home Secretary.
My name is Christopher and I live in the UK. I have recently set up this forum to attract people in a similar situation to me, unable to bring a non-EU spouse into the UK and live a normal family life as it seems love is dependant on income nowadays.
I hope we can join together and fight off these "draconian" measures that will permanently damage society in the long term by robbing people of their "right to a family life" - Article 8 of the ECHR.
Please be patient as I am still setting everything up.

If you could please let me know where you are from, that would be great.


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Welcome!!! Empty Re: Welcome!!!

Post  claire_b Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:17 am

Hi my name is Claire i am in the uk and my husband is turkish he is residing in turkey at the moment, i think it is so unfair to families that this new financial requirement has been brought in as do many people i know.


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Welcome!!! Empty Re: Welcome!!!

Post  Khrissy3000 Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:50 pm


I am very sorry to hear that you are also being affected by these new "draconian" rules. I am trying to build awareness and gather up all people in this sitution into one place and then we'll be in a good position, we should attract human rights activists as well as other campaigners. I would like to arrange a protest march in London, but I would need more people if it's going to taking any kind of an affect.


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Welcome!!! Empty Re: Welcome!!!

Post  truth8 Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:50 am

Hello everyone.

I just wanted to issue my support for you. Although I am not affected by this, it is something that needs to be over turned and wanted to issue my support.


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Welcome!!! Empty Heartbroken

Post  Daisy18 Sat Aug 25, 2012 9:00 pm

Hi, I am from the UK, I am in a similar situation, unable to bring my non-EU fiancée into the UK. I am a single mum and work hard, but 18600 threshold is too high for me. I am heartbroken and so scared that if these rules won't change I will be forced to live separate from the person I love, my daughter wont have a normal family. Every day I find it more difficult to cope with the situation... Sad

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Welcome!!! Empty £18600 Price tag on family life in the uk!!!

Post  Anon Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:25 am

I am also affected by these new rules as i am married to a non eu national.. The new rules are discusting and show no regard for us low earners... Over 40% of the uk population is on the national minimum wage, so unable to sponsor their partner, it's awful, Crying or Very sad Sad let's face it some of us are never going to earn any where near the new threshold so does that mean the government will not let us choose who we want to marry.... The new threshold is a very high salary.. I know people that work in banks and dont earn that much....This is discrimination. The rules have to be changed, so many broken families, children being forced to part from their parents.. When is it ever right to put a price tag on family life????? Family life is OUR right not a privilege... Sad I love you pale


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Welcome!!! Empty A government in denial....

Post  Khrissy3000 Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:44 am

I agree with you all, these rules have to be reversed, what benefit will these new rules offer? 3.33% of net immigration comes from non-EU family visas, these new rules don't even take into account my personal expenses, I live economically and I save £500 of my monthly earnings, that could be £500 spent on my family, oh wait, I don't have a family under this government.
Guy/Girls - we have to fight these rules, we have to force feed this government our rights, I would do anything for my partner, so the government have got a serious fight on there hands. We need to fight as a nation!!! If you can get support from your friends/family or if you know of other people in this situation, I urge you to offer there support in this campaign, they don't have to be personally affected by these rules to campaign against them.


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Welcome!!! Empty The worst family-friendly country in Europe

Post  Daisy18 Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:11 am

In the 2010 conservative party manifesto, they said:

“We will make Britain the most family-friendly country in Europe”....”

"Strong families are the bedrock of a strong society. They provide the stability and love we need to flourish as human beings, and the relationships they foster are the foundation on which society is built. The warmth of a child's parenting is as important to their life chances as the wealth of their upbringing.”

£18600 a year price tag for the right to have a family, is this what Tories meant by the most family friendly country in Europe? Yes, they are friendly to EEA citizens but not to their own citizen... It is just one political game and we are just number to them...

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Welcome!!! Empty Let's put a stop to these illegal rule changes

Post  TMorris Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:55 pm

Hi there Chris and all others, I am a Canadian woman married to a British National. I have posted on the MRN and other sites as well. Chris I want to thank you for your hard work. Our cause needs a leader and you have taken that roll. As I mentioned on the MRN I will help you and follow your lead any way I can from Canada.

Been with my husband for over 8 years and married for over 7 years. Came back to Canada to go to University and thought that would give our family a better future, but little did we know that behind the scenes these new rules were dismantling our family's plans for our life and our future. It is so hard to remain positive when there seems to be no hope for us. I spend most days in tears and me and my husband are completely devastated and lost right now, we do not know how our family can be together.

These rules need to be changed... must be changed. These rules do nothing but keep honest, hard working familes apart and possibly ruin peoples lives. If the government expects the people of Britian to either leave their homeland where their parents and siblings are or to end their marriages what else can they do to the people of Britian. This is the start and if we do not take a stand and put a stop to these inhuman rules, illegal rules things could only get worse for the people of Britian.

You can mark your chart that you now have a member from Canada. Thank you again Chris and let us know what you need us to do next.

Good luck everyone


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Welcome!!! Empty Let's put a stop to these illegal rule changes

Post  TLCLM Sun Aug 26, 2012 1:08 pm

Sorry I wasn't logged in before. TMorris is TLCLM.
Toni & Craig Morris. I am Toni from Canada and my husband is in South Wales
We haven't scene one another in 2 years now, we are completely heart broken
We thought our long wait was coming to an end when we finally had everything ready to submit our applications and went onto the Home Offive web site to get the forms on July 10th
We hadn't been on the Home Office web site in about three months, we were both busy working and my husband busy working and setting up our home there in the UK
That day was one of the worst days in my life, after about a week of complete depression and devistation I found the MRN website and started reading .....
The information and the email links and website links that you have provided Chris in the many web sites and blogs are the first bit of hope we have had in months now
So thank you for all your hard work, I know we can make a difference if we all band together and stand strong against these dictators

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Welcome!!! Empty Let's find the thousands of people out there....

Post  alandamper Sun Aug 26, 2012 11:12 pm


My name is Alan Damper.

In July my girlfriend returned home after 18 months of study in the UK. We planned to make an application for her to return to get married. She left on 6th July and I was saddened to learn that the new rules came in on 9th July. I kick myself for not looking before. Had she gone home a month before we could have applied under the old rules.

Now I count myself lucky since, unlike a lot of people, I have a second property (capital that stops me claiming any benefits), I do earn over the earnings threshold and shouldn't have a problem. So I downloaded all the forms and guidance....and that is where the problems begin. The rules do not take into account real-life situations. On paper for me it's easy - but in reality it's impossible.

I won't give the reasons in this post. It says "Welcome" at the top so I'm just introducing myself.

This is not about protecting the UK's economy at all - it's about being able to say the Government has reduced immigration in time for the 2015 election. It's about fixing in the public mind "Partner = Immigrant = Criminal". Read Ms May's speech in the Commons on 19th June in Hansard.

Even if I was able to sail through personally I would be just as much a supporter on here. Having a family life with the person you choose HAS to be a fundamental right. There are some valid reasons that over-ride that, but not the wealth of the applicant.

I'm interested in the legal aspects of this because I believe it's the only way the rules will be thrown out. I have swapped emails with Christopher over the past few weeks so he knows my situation. I was going to email him with details of my findings and correspondence so far with the Home Office but instead I will post it in this forum (if that's ok Christopher?) so that others can see my progress or lack of it.

My post title is because on the Home Office figures the projected reduction in approvals for applications under the new FM rules means many thousands of people will be deprived of being together and we need to get those thousands on here.


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Welcome!!! Empty Thankyou!

Post  Elbe Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:40 am

Thank you Christopher for your work so far, I agree that we need to build a movement and I am determined to help in whatever way I can to get our voices heard.

Like the above poster I feel so angry that I missed the deadline, if I had known that these machinations were taking place behind the scenes I would have been more prepared, but now I am stuck studying and cannot meet the threshold for at least another two years. Two years of being apart from my partner because my income is not deemed high enough. The rules are simply incredible and they must be challenged. If we stand together we are stronger, and we mustn't sit back and let our rights we wrenched from us.


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Welcome!!! Empty Spread the word

Post  Khrissy3000 Tue Aug 28, 2012 4:56 am


You are very welcome and I won't be backing down until these rules are reversed, we have to fight against this government that wishes to take away our "rights and freedoms". I want as many people to get involved in this as possible, so that we can put up a good fight against the disease known as "Theresa May"

If you look in the "TAKE ACTION" category, I have listed 9 steps to get things in motion and raise awareness.


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Welcome!!! Empty Heartbroken

Post  Snowbird Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:49 pm

I'm in the U.S. (American citizen). My fiancee is British.

We've been together for three years, and don't know when we'll get to live together thanks to to the new rules.



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Welcome!!! Empty Undemocratic Britain

Post  Khrissy3000 Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:05 am


Has your fiancee took any action against these rules, I have some good points to work through on the "take acton" sub-category. We'll get you the support you need, don't you worry about that. Have you contacted the media in your country??? It would be nice to know what the USA think of the UK's decision to break up families, we need to get international pressure on undemocratic Britain.

Last edited by Khrissy3000 on Wed Sep 12, 2012 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling)


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Welcome!!! Empty not yet

Post  Snowbird Mon Sep 03, 2012 10:36 am

Khrissy3000 wrote:Snowbird,

Has your fiancee took any action against these rules, I have some good points to work through on the "take acton" sub-category. We'll get you the support you need, don't you worry about that. Have you contacted the media in your country??? It would be nice to know what the USA think of the UK's decision to break up families, we need to get internation pressure on undemocratic Britain.

No, not yet...you see, she is still trying to get a permanent job (doing temp work through an agency atm), so we're mostly keeping on top of things and getting information and advice for right now. Even if the new rules disappeared tomorrow, she wouldn't be able to sponsor me until she has a perm. job and a place for us to live, as right now she is living with her (homophobic) parents.

But it will be difficult. Aside from not having much money, my fiancee is very shy and feels nervous about speaking with lawyers and such. No

No, I haven't contacted any media outlets here, but that's an idea. There's a strong contrast between our foreign spouse requirements and the new UK ones. Virtually any US citizen is capable of sponsoring a foreign spouse. The requirements are pretty easy to meet....course, not that that would do me any good in terms of being with my partner because the federal government doesn't allow us to sponsor same-sex spouses even if the marriage was performed in a state where it's legal. No But, I'm sure that a piece outlining the US's requirements next to the UK's requirements would generate quite an impact.


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Welcome!!! Empty Re: Welcome!!!

Post  demonicangel Tue Oct 09, 2012 10:10 pm

Hi all.

I am in the UK and my wife is in the US. We are in a same sex marriage, and I have two girls from a previous relationship and don't have the option at all to live in the US with my wife thanks to the DOMA.

We can't go down the EEA route, and I have no chance of ever earning £18.6k a year. She also has no chance of getting the shortfall in savings.

My two girls adore my wife, and ask daily when she is coming back. Right now, we are aiming for her to come over for six months, and then return.

We have been together for two years now, married for four months, and apart from each other for a year.

Before these rules came in, my income was enough to support her.


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