Unite Families - Fight For Love (UFFFL)
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Is there a solution out there?

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Is there a solution out there? Empty Is there a solution out there?

Post  Sabz Wed Oct 31, 2012 4:58 am

Hi my and my finance have been together for over 4 years but because of his status(asylum seeker) we decided to put of getting married till he got his papers sorted. However its the 3rd appeal that got recently refused and we just kinda had enough. I don't know what to do any more, people have told us to get married at that will keep him in the country but I have also heard that its not 100% sure and that they could still deport him. I know if I had kids he would have a stronger case, but I don't want to be controlled by the government and get married and have kids to keep him in the country. I want all that eventually but I want it to happen when we want to and not because its the only choice we have. Does anyone know what we can do or if getting married would help. We just want to start living our life now and not constantly worry. I'm a student but also work and the stress is really showing on me now and as much he wants to help his hands are just tied:(


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Is there a solution out there? Empty Is there a solution out there?

Post  alandamper Thu Nov 08, 2012 3:45 am

Hello Sabz,

Can't give you any advice relating directly to asylum seeker situation but I think that that there's no point putting off marriage if you had previously decided you wish to do so at some time.

If you want to be together go ahead and do it. There's no pressure on you to have a family but it would maybe look worse if when (if) the situation got worse you suddenly decided to get married at that point - they may then say you're only doing it to keep him here. Go with your heart.



Posts : 38
Join date : 2012-08-26

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